To Construct, Establish And Create A World Class Temple Of “MAA KAALI”.
The Temple complex shall consist of a complex of temples of various deities,Gurus, meditation room, library, Yagya complex, canteen, Old age home, orphanage, school, stadium with all the amenities including, gymnasium, swimming pool, track, theatre, cycle track (velodrome), shooting range, archery etc, amphitheatre, library, recreational room, research centre, Gaushala, Nursery, hospital, theatre etc
The said complex shall be self sustaining in all the manners including but not limited to growing its own crop. Dairy products, energy generation etc.
To establish VRADHASHRAM (old age home) all across India & Abroad
To establish ANATHASHRAM (orphanage) all across India & Abroad, with a difference, where the orphans will be adopted by various families, identified by the Trust. The said children, so adopted shall be taken at the ashram of the Trust where they will be subjected to psychological analysis to find out what is their best of the capability and their inclination. Thereafter, the will be brought up in the following manner;
a) Their upbringing shall be as per the eastern and western philosophy and manner.
b) The shall be bought up as per the VEDIC & Sanantan pattern, in which they will be made to get up at Bram Muhurat, where after getting freshen up, they will be taught YOGA and Meditation.
c) They will be subjected to rigorous training of KARALIPATTAYU and Indian Marshal Arts including but not limited to weight training, gymnastics, swimming, horse-riding, athletics, etc.
d) They will be taught Sanskrit compulsorily and other Indian and foreign languages including but not limited to Hindi, English, Latin, French, Chinese ,Japanese, etc.
e) They will be taught Vedas, Vedanta, Upanishdsetc and the glories of Indian History, Cultures & ways of Sanantan Dharma
f) They will be introduced to all Indian Scholars, philosophers, great men and women achievers, sportsmen and sportswomen and also those who changed and effected the Indian Course of History and its culture
g) They will also be introduced and taught as the general curriculum as is being taught in schools and colleges as per the recognised board of Education
h) Based on their psychological analysis and after having found what is their capacity, capability and inclination, they will be provided the best of the trainings and opportunities to reach the top
i) The trust shall create “PHILOSOPHER CITIZENS” out of these children, with the intention that once they go into the main stream they will create a chain reaction with their knowledge, thinking and upbringing into the youths and other citizens of India and globally to create a world with peace, harmony and co-existence free of all greed, corruption and chaos.
j) These children shall impart and propagate philosophy of Sanantan Dharam, humanity, as is inculcated in the philosophy “NARO NARAYAN” i.e “Human is GOD”, teach to the world the concept of peace and harmony and harmonious co-existence, brotherhood, Bhakti and spiritualism etc.
To establish a centre for research on Sanantan Dharam, Indian Philosophy, culture, Sanskrit, Innovation and technologies, Ayrveda, Yoga, Martial Arts, health and well being, clean and green energy generation, to reserve water and create technologies for preservation and creation of water in a most economic efficient and readily available to Poor and all such population where there is scarcity or apprehension of such scarcity.
To create a group of scouts, who would go around and across India to hunt, search for such ingenious people, who have invented extra-ordinary things, equipments, means or ideas which can effect and change the course of the lives of the people and the world, but are not able to bring the same before the world on account of their constraints and limited means. Upon having identified such people the trust shall adopt them, bring them to the Trust, provide for their family and take care of all their needs, provide them the facilities, equipments, financial and technical assistance etc, whichever is required for their innovation and creation and then get the said product so created Patented in their names with the agreement and understanding that the said product shall be exclusively, produced, marketed and sold by the Trust out of its own funds, to the exclusion of all others and the inventor shall be given a fixed percentage of the profit or royalty for all times, which shall be decided by the Trustees keeping in view the invention.
To establish a group of Lawyers, para-legal, medical and other professionals under the name “KAALI KI FAUJ” all across-India, to provide the services free of cost “pro-bono”, to fight the corruption in the system and to be constructive opposition to the policies of the government which are against the spirit of the Indian Constitution, humanity and Interest of the Country. The said group shall provide free legal services to under-trials in coordination with local state Legal Services.
To provide complete meal for three times in a day at very cheap price between Rs.1 to Rs.5, each meal, under the name and Style of “KAALI KEE THALI” in all the Hospitals across India.
To adopt Government Hospitals across India with the following intention and in the manner as below;
a) To propose to the state government that the Trust is adopting the Hospital without expecting any profit or favour
b) The trust shall propose that the trust shall revamp the entire hospital and shall provide the best of the equipments out of its own fund and resources so that the local population will not have to go to AIIMS or other place out of their town, villages etc for a quality treatment, provided the state government assure and confirm that though the doctors of other staff are being paid salary by them, but, their services and the quality shall be controlled by the Trust, who shall have the right to fire them or penalise them in case they do not provide the care and service as is expected of them. The Trust shall have the right to monitor, supervise and ensure quality control and to engage proper, qualified, honest and sincere professionals to provide their services on the same salary/grade as that of the State and in case extra is to paid, the same shall be paid by the Trust.
c) The treatment in these hospitals shall be provided free of cost or on the same cost as prescribed or levied by AIIMS or as per the policy laid by the Government.
To adopt Government Schools across India with the following intention and in the manner as below;
a) To ensure that the standard of teachers is upto the standard laid down by the government and that they are well qualified to teach and has the inclination and capacity to impart quality education. For that they will be subjected to psychological analysis to check their quality and competence. Periodical written tests shall be conducted to find out their knowledge.
b) To ensure that the money earmarked for the education and particular school is actually utilised for the purposes they are provided.
c) Ensure that the children are provided with free books and stationary and also quality uniform to make them feel clean and have self respect
d) Ensure that the school is clean and provided with proper drinking water and clean toilets.
e) To ensure that the classrooms are equipped with state of art facilities, including but not limited to educational software, projectors, digital black/white boards, proper sitting desks and chairs,etc
f) To ensure that the schools are provided with proper sports equipments and to ensure that the playground is provided with all proper facilities
g) To ensure that the funds for mid-day meals is utilised for the quality food for the children, to ensure middlemen or contractors, who are issued tenders are thrown out and the meal is prepared by the mothers of the children in the said school, who would be paid monthly remuneration for their services. They will be organised in batches and shall be allowed to prepare the meals in turn wise.
h) To impart in the children values, morals, ethics and to make them understand the rich Indian history and to be proud of it as well as to be introduced to the glorious history of India, its philosophers, reformists and other achievers in various field of sports, culture, education etc.
i) To ensure that the mental and physical fitness of the children is lifted by way of Yoga, meditation etc.
To propagate, propound, spread and introduce the SANATAN DHARAM globally and to do research on the same.
To educate people with the real values of Sanantan Dharam and its teachings and to eliminate the misconstruction and misinterpretation of the religion and save guard people from such preachers who misguide them.
To propagate, encourage, develop, research, inventions and ideas for clean and green production of energy.
To encourage and fund research, inventions and manufacturing of electric vehicles etc and other kind of sources of energy which can generate energy without the use of conventional or non-conventional sources of energy, which are emission free and environment friendly and are self sustaining.
To make movies and dramas on Indian culture, philosophers, freedom fighter, kings, philosophers ,reformist, Indian mythology to propagate and relive their contribution to our lives.
To establish news and media channels electronic, digital and paper for propogation of the objectives of the trust and to spread humanity, dharma and good culture etc. Globally.
To publish books, literature, newspapers and articles on Indian culture, philosophers, freedom fighter, kings, philosophers ,reformist, Indian mythology to propagate and relive their contribution to our lives
To scout and adopt already existing Vridhashram and orphanage out of the own funds of the Trust and ensure that the same are run properly and proper facilities are provided to the resident so the same.